Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I felt the need to post on my blog. I really have nothing to say. My six months are up today! yay! That means I can drive my friends around. Which is super good. I am pretty sleepy.

Some quick facts about me recently:

Music I'm into: Ever Stays Red and U2

Books: The Homecoming Series (ST:VOY)

TV: The Olympics! (and dvd's of ST:TNG)

Hobbies: Guitar! <3

Anything else: My bff got a Kitten! I enjoy making collages. Free Rice is a pwning website. 's all


Thursday, August 14, 2008

okay so i procrastinate. lots. as in with this blog. and pics of france. I have some up on my photobucket...
I might add more in the future.
Anyways... news about me... I GOT A JOB! working at Fred Meyer's part time. Not an amazing job (pushing around carts and such) but at least it's a job. good to finally have one.

oh in other semi big news... My sister, our best friend, and I have created a band together. it is called Echo. :) I think its going to be a lot of fun. we are having 'practice' tommorow.

this is getting a little long. until next time!