Monday, June 15, 2009

Deep Cleaning.

So. I am out of High School forever now! And I have graduated too! yay. but that's not what I want to post about. So far during my days while my sister is at school I have been cleaning. DEEP CLEANING. heh. I am done. It feels so nice. I found a bunch of random things... Like this poem that I love. I found it a few years ago, but I totally forgot about it. I found it... here it is. PLEASE READ IT. (even if you are not a poetry fan)

"Being A Person" by William Stafford
Be a person here. Stand by the river, invoke the owls.
Invoke winter, then spring.
Let any season that wants to come here make its own call.
After that sound goes away, wait.
A slow bubble rises through the earth
and begins to include sky, stars, all space,
even the outracing, expanding thought.
Come back and hear the little sound again.
Suddenly this dream you are having matches
everyone's dream, and the result is the world.
If a different call came there wouldn't be any
world, or you, or the river, or the owls calling.
How you stand here is important.
How you listen for the next things to happen.
How you breathe.

This poem really inspires me. I plan to design a poster thingy for it on photoshop so I can display it on my wall.

Thats it for now.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

One Year

heh. so today is my blog's one year anniversary. *confetti*

I haven't kept up with this as much as I would like to, but that is changing (hopefully). So happy one year to my blog. :]]]

yeah. just a small little post.

*insert cake*


Thursday, June 4, 2009


You know the feeling when something that has been stressing you is suddently gone? yup. that happened to me today. Had oral board presentations today. big 10-12 min speeches we have to do to graduate High School. I think I did pretty good too! yay.

I am really excited to graduate and go to college in the fall. yay.

so yeah, just a small update.



Sunday, May 31, 2009

Epic Fail.

For some reason today I thought of this blog. I haven't been on here in MONTHS. well, in my defense I have been busy. I would give a list of things, but about half of my posts on here seem to be doing that.

I will give a little status update though.
College: At first I only got into Western Washington University (WWU) which was great, because I love Western. I also got accepted on the waitlist for University of Washington (UW) which is a pretty hard school to get into. And a few weeks ago I got accepted from the waitlist. I had to make the biggest decision of my life. to make a long and stressful story short, I chose WWU, mainly because it is a lot smaller, and UW seemed way to huge.

Rubik's Cubes: Such a nerd. anyways, since my last post I have learned how to solve all the sizes of cubes that are currently avaiable. (2x2x2 to 7x7x7). Yes, I am crazy. It is a really fun hobby.

School: Is ending soon! June 10th is my last day!!!! yay. I can't wait, but until then I have a BUNCH of work. >.<

Other Stuff: I am going to Michigan this summer to visit family. yay. And, completely unrelated, but I loved the new Star Trek movie.

Thats it for now. hopefully I will get back into this. for realz this time. :]

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fictional Concert (FF review)

So. Yes. This. Is. Late. meh. I had computer issues earlier this week. >.<

So, Tuesday night I got to see Fiction Family with my sister, our best friend, and my parents. Lets start from the beginning.

We left our house at about 4:30. It took a little over an hour to get there and find the place. Finally we did, and because we didn't have tickets we had to save our place in both lines. We met some really nice people in the line (they had tickets) and they let us kinda cut right behind them in line, I think it was partly because we were the second group there anyways. We got into the venue at 8:00 (late, i know... the show didn't start until 9). We got front row, right in front of jon's mic. We met a really nice girl named Sarah that was sitting next to us, apparently she found out about the FF concert from LOBH too. :] After waiting a long hour (well we got merch then and stuff too) Molly Jenson finally came out. She was amazing, better than I thought she would be. And she had the whole crowd laughing and singing along.
Here is a video of her singing "you are my sunshine" and It's pretty rad... and hilarious.

Then after a 30 minute wait (not bad at all). Fiction Family came out! they played an amazing setlist.... let me find it for you... *digs*

War In My Blood
Closer Than You Think
Betrayal ("not all girls are like this, just some"-jon)
Resurrect Me (rad live.really)

Idioteque (Radiohead cover...amazing)
Elements Combined
Mostly Prove Me Wrong
Not Sure
Bella and Ivan
(Sarah and Sean)
Just Rob Me
Finally Find Someone
Your Love Is Strong
We Ride
Please Don't Call It Love (
someone in the audience said "thats what she said" after jon said the name. he was cracking up for a good minute or so, it was hilarious.)
A Long Hot Summer Day (Sarah)
Keep the Car Running (Arcade Fire cover)
When She's Near


Hey Jude (kinda... the end bit, we sand in a actual key according to jon, the key of E)
Throw It Away
(Buddy Holly cover)
Look For Me, Baby

It was amazing. Especially being so close. I mean I was liek two feet from the stage, which was pretty small in itself. And Its true that Fiction Family is ALOT better live, not that they are bad on there record, because they're not, but it just seems so much more energized and real live.

After the show we bought molly's cd and got to meet her, she was really nice and when she signed her CD for us she asked who to sign it for and we said "all three" so she wrote: "all 3 of you :) good luck w/ your girl band! <3 Molly"
(we told her that we are trying to start a band.)

then, after almost having to leave (my dad was getting angry at us for waiting so long, but it was like 11:45) Jon finally came out. I had never met jon. my sister and bff had met him before w/o me at the seattle concert 2 years ago. I was literally so excited I started shaking while waiting for him to come over to us. When he came over I shook his hand, looked him in the eyes and said: "I'm Emily, and I have been trying to meet you for the past 2 years..." He laughed and said that he was glad he could fix that. I told him how inspiring all of his music was, he said thanks and we got a picture. then I told him to come back to seattle again with switchfoot and to finish up the record. He said he wanted to do both. I quickly told him Hi from sarah, a boardie from LOBH. then he went on his way.

When we were walking out I was still shaking. I met. JON. FOREMAN. my hero (not to sound too lame hopefully....) We were outside and we noticed Sean just chillin by the FF van. we met him real quick, had him sign my shirt and told hom how awesome he is.

then we drove home. Then there was school in the morning. >.<

In the end, totally worth it.
(wow i think this is my longest blog post yet)

P.s Pictures and more videos soon. I am tired and have yet to edit them.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Appying to College

Right now I am head first into college apps. It is a long process. I finished my essay but it needs some editing first. It is taking up so much of my time lately.

I like the idea of making a much longer blog post, but i am so sleepy that my brain doesn't want to work that much right now.

sorry for being a bad blogger lately.

Peace Amigos.